C Programs

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1. C program to find Factorial of a Number.

2.Program that asks user an arithmetic operator ('+','-','*'or '/') and two operands and perform the corresponding calculation on the operands using switch case.

3.C Program to Find Greatest number among three Number using nested if.

4.C Program To check a number is prime number or not.

5.C program to find number is even or odd. 

6.C Program To find the sum of first n natural numbers where n is entered by user.

8.C Program to Generate Multiplication Table

9.C Program to check whether a number is palindrome or not.

10.C Program to Perform insertion Operation on one dimensional array

11.C Program to Perform deletion Operation on one dimensional array.

12.Program to accept values in 2-Dimensional 3 by 3 arrays and displays the sum of all the elements.

13.Program using function(call by value) to find square of a given number.

14. Program using function(call by value) to swap to numbers 

15.C Program(Month Name) to demonstrate use array of string.

16.C Program to find the size of Structure and Union.

17.Program using structure to store information of 2 employees (emp_id, name,salary) and display the details of the employee having salary greater.

18.Program to compute the sum of all elements stored in an array using pointer. 

19.C Program to concatenate two String. 

20. C Program to compare Two String Using strcmp() Function

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