1._______responsible for authorizing access to the database, for coordinating and monitoring its use, acquiring software, and hardware
resources, controlling its use and monitoring efficiency of operations.
A. Authorization Manager
B. Storage Manager
C. File Manager
D. Transaction Manager
E. Buffer Manager
2. ______is a property that describes various characteristics of an entity
A. ER Diagram
B. Column
C. Relationship
D. Attribute
3. ——– level describes what data is stored in the database and the
relationships among the data
A. Physical Level
B. Logical Level
C. Conceptual Level
D. None of the above
4. ——— denote derived attributes.
A. Double ellipse
B. Dashed ellipse
C. Squared ellipse
D. Ellipse with attribute name underlined
5. A ——— is an association between entities
A. Relation
B. One to One
C. Generalization
D. Specialization
6. ———— stores metadata about the structure of the data base
A. Physical data base
B. Query Analyzer
C. Data Dictionary
D. Data Catalog
7. ————is a collection of operations that perform s single logical
function in a database application
A. Transaction
B. Concurrent operation
C. Atomocity
D. Durability
8.The problem that is compounded when constraints involve severaldata items from different files are Called ——–
A. Transaction Control Management Problem
B. Security Problem
C. Integrity Problem
D. Durability Problem
9. Ensuring atomicity is the responsibility of the ————component
A. File Manager
B. Buffer Manager
D. Transation Manager
10.—– manages the allocation of the space on the disk storage and the
data base structure used to represent information stored on disk
A. Disk Manager
B. File Manager
C. Buffer Manager
D. Memory Manager
E. None of the above
11. ___ is the minimal super key
A. Primary Key
B. Candidate Key
C. Surrogate Key
D. Unique Key
E. Alternate Key
12. engine executes low level instructions generated by the DML compilier
A. DDL Analyzer
B. Query Interpreter
B. Query Interpreter
C. Database Engine
D. None of the above
13. ————responsible to define the content, the structure, the
constraints, and functions or transactions against the database
A. Transcation Manager
B. Query Analyzer
D. All the above
E. None of the above
14. In ER model ————denote derived attributes
A. Double ellipse
B. Diamond
C. Reactangle
D. None of the above
15. Foreign Key can be null
16. All primary keys should be super keys.
17. In Relational database Data is stored as record types and the
relationship is represented by set types
A. True
B. False
18. In Hierarchical database to get to a lowlevel table, you start at the root and work your way down the tree until you reach your target data.
18. In Hierarchical database to get to a lowlevel table, you start at the root and work your way down the tree until you reach your target data.
A. True
B. False
19. Using relational model we design conceptual database design
A. True
B. False
20. Conceptual data model is the source of information for logical
design phase
A. True
B. False
21. Logical database design describes describes base relations, file
organizations, and indexes that are used to achieve efficient access to data.
A. True
B. False
22. Conceptual data modeling uses a high level data modeling concept
of ER Models
A. True
B. False
23. Tables are required to have at least one column
A. True
B. False
24.Logical data independence. Refers to the separation of the
external views from the conceptual view
A. True
B. False
25. Duplication of data is the disadvantage of DBMS
A. True
B. False
26. Candidate key can have a null value
A. True
B. False
27. Each program maintains its own set of data. So users of one program may be unaware of potentially useful data held by other
programs this leads toDuplication of data
A. True
B. False
28. A traditional database stores just data – with no procedures
A. True
B. False
29. Simple Attribute composed of multiple components, each with an
independent existence.
A. True
B. False
30. Cardinality specifies how many instances of an entity relate to one instance of another entity. A. True
30. Cardinality specifies how many instances of an entity relate to one instance of another entity. A. True
B. False
31. The ascending order of a data hirerchy is:
A. bitbyterecordfieldfiledatabase
B. bytebitfieldrecordfiledatabase
B. bytebitfieldrecordfiledatabase
C. bitbytefieldrecordfiledatabase
D. bitbytefilerecordfielddatabase
32. Which of the following is true of a network structure?
A. t is a physical representation of the data
B. It allows a manytomany relationship
C. It is conceptually simple
D. It will be dominant data base of the future
33. Which of the following is a problem of file management system?
A. difficult to update
B. lack of data independence
C. data redundancy
D. program dependence
34. What are a database management system?
A. Allows simultaneous access to multiple files
B. Can do more than one record management system
C. A file contains a collection of programs for managing data
D. Both A and B
35. An attribute of a table cannot contain more than one value__________
A. First normal form (1NF)
B. Second normal form (2NF)
C. Third normal form (3NF)
D. Fourth normal form (4NF)
36. Which of the following is a Data Model?
A. Entity Relationship model
B. Relational data model
C. Object Based data model
D. All of Above
37. Which command is used in SQL to remove index from database?
38. In hierarchical model, data is organized___________
A. Logical structure
B. Physical structure
C. Tree like structure
D. None of these
39. What does ‘Double Rectangles’ show in the Entity-Relationship diagram?
A. Relationship Set
B. Weak Entity Sets
C. Derived Attributes
D. Multi-valued Attributes
40. Database Management System (DBMS) is:
A. Collection of interrelated data
B. Collection of programs to access data
C. Collection of data describing one particular enterprise
D. All of the above
41. How many types of keys are there in Database Design?
A. Candidate key
B. Primary key
C. Foreign key
D. All of these
42. What is the name given to database management system which is capable of handling full text data, image data, audio and video?
A. Full media
B. Graphics media
C. Multimedia
D. Hypertext
43. Relational model uses some unfamiliar terminology. One tuple is equal to ______
A. record
B. field
C. file
D. data base
44. Files stored on the secondary storage device are made up of hierarchy of data. Which of the following happens in a file record?
A. Bits
B. Characters
C. Data field
D. Schema
Answer: C
45. After your record, which command you need to issue to save the changes you have made for many data management environments.
A. Delete
B. Update
C. Sort key
D. Index
46. The third stage in creating a database is when we analyze our database more closely and create a _____ between the tables.
A. Relationship
B. Join
C. Query
D. None of these
47. Which of the following is a type of DBMS software?
A. Utility
B. Data
C. MS Office
48. What is the language most DBMS uses to help its users access data?
A. High level language
B. Query language
D, 4GL
49. What features of data management are included in the data management features____________
A. punctuation
B. language
C. spelling
D. width
50). The top-to-bottom relationship between objects in the database is established by_______
A. Hierarchical schema
B. Network schema
C. Relational schema
D. All of the above
51. A report generator is used in ________
A. update files
B. Print files on paper
C. data entry
(d) All of the above
52. A collection of conceptual tools for describing data, relationships, semantics and constraints is referred to as?
A. E R mode
B. Database
C. Data model
53. What is the overall term for creating, editing, formatting, storing, retrieving a text document?
A. Word processing
B. Spreadsheet design
C. Web design
D. Database management
54. ______ are distinct items that don’t have much meaning to you in a given context.
A. Fields
B. Data
C. Queries
D. Properties
55. A logical schema______________
A. is the entire database.
B.is a standard way of organizing information into the accessible part.
C. describes how data is actually stored on disk
D. All of the above
56. Which of the following constrains information about a single ‘entity’ in the database like a person, place, event or thing?
A. Query
B. Form
C. Record
D. Table
57. _______ provides total solutions to reduce data redundancy, inconsistency, dependence and unauthorized access of data.
A. D B M S
B. Tables
C. Database
D. Protection passwords
58. The database stores information in?
A. rows and columns
B. blocks
C. tracks and sectors
D. All of the above
59. The particular field of a record that uniquely identifies each record is called the____________
A. key field
B. primary field
C. master field
D. order field
Answer: A
60. A program that generally has more user-friendly interface than a DBMS is called a?
A. front end
B. repository
C. back end
D. form
61. The smallest unit of information about a record in a database is called a?
B. field
C. record
D. query
62. The database administrator’s function in an organization is___________
A. to be responsible for the technical aspects of managing the information contained in organizational databases.
B. to be responsible for the executive level aspects of decision regarding the information management.
C. to show the relationship among entity classes in a data warehouse.
D. to define which data mining tools must be used to extract data.
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